Nyima is the eldest daughter of Komang Tulku Rinpoche and Tenzin Wangmo. She was working in her village since she was six years old carrying water from the river, looking after sheep and goats, and collecting wood. She learned the Tibetan alphabet during shepherd time from her grandmother.
She started studying in Saldang primary school when she was seven years old and finished class 6 there. After that, with the help of kind sponsors and Karma Samdub, she started secondary studies in Kathmandu. Nyima says: “I used to be very active in games and read a lot of books too. The most important thought I had about my village was that because I was the first educated one from my village I had to show them lots of good ways. Those were my ambitions during my school years”.
When she was in class 8 she used to help her father with all the work and communication about Himalayan Dhalarong Primary school, especially when in 2009 the sponsor of the village Primary school died and Komang Tulku Rinpoche was under a lot of pressure facing many problems, to the point that the Primary school almost had to close.
After finishing class 10, Nyima went back to Komang village for 3 months holiday, and just at this moment, Nyima got to know that her grandmother had died some time ago. She was very sad about this news “She was very caring and encouraging, she was like a mentor and a great inspiration for me. She always used to tell me ‘women can do anything, you are capable of doing everything you want’. Super granny of mine!”.
After finishing class 12, she went back to her village to become a teacher in Primary school. She taught them English, Social studies, Tibetan, and Health environment from the level of nursery up to grade 5. She enjoyed a lot being with the children and doing many activities like:
Nyima taking Komang children in a nature trip
Education tours on weekends to different mountains, lakes, flowers meadows, or grasslands to learn the names and gain experience for children.
Dance and music class after school
At that time they organized a fund-raising activity consisting of going to each village, knock each door, and dancing and singing. They got some funds to cover the food for the staff and stationery expenses for the children.
Giving basic education classes to the villagers who were interested (17 women and 13 men assisted).
She organized a speaking class in English, Nepali, and Tibetan every Friday.
Also gave some basic health education classes to women (about menstruation, baby, and so on).
Helping her father at Komang Primary school
After one year of working in the village, she decided to study a 7 years course to become a Tibetan doctor in India, but in 2013 the Himalayan Komang Home project started in Kathmandu and her father requested her to manage the project.
Nyima with HKH children in a school trip
“It was very hard at the beginning because I was so clueless without any job experience, everything was new for me. After a while, with the help of my father, Anton, and Arantza, I learned many things and I was able to do something meaningful. Most importantly I am so blessed that they are one with me and I am one of them. Taking care of children, helping them to see a new world, helping them in any condition that they are... is a kind of happiness for me. Like cheering them up on some weekend, having speech and health programs, all these things are a way of sharing with them what I’ve gone through in my life”.
During her time in Kathmandu, she studied for a master's degree in social work and a Buddhist course.
“Most of all, as we know, life is full of ups and downs. We are born alone so we will die alone, I’m happy inside of me now. I know my life is worth something and I’m living happily today”.
Nyima Bhuti HKH DirectorNyima and her brother Tulku Pema LodoNyima at the gate of the village school
Tulku Pema Lodoe Namgyal
He was born as the son of H.E. Chotrul Dorjee Tsewang, known as Komang Rinpoche, and Tenzin Wangmo in 1998 on the precious day of medicine Buddha in the eighth month of the Tibetan calendar at Himalayan Komang village.
Auspicious birth signs and recognition
When he was in his mother’s womb, many auspicious things happened and even he stayed 10 months in his mom's womb. Before his birth, the mother of Tenzin Tsultrim Rinpoche, the reincarnation of Margom Kyabgyon Rinpoche, used to say that after his death, her son appeared to her in a dream and said “I am coming back mom” so she had a strong belief that the newborn baby was the reincarnation of second Margom Kyabgyon.
After one year of his birth, he was recognized as the 3rd reincarnation of the Great Margom Kyabgyon Rinpoche. The second reincarnation was Tenzin Tsultrim Rinpoche and the third one is Tulku Lodoe Namgyal himself. H.H Khentang Rinpoche granted him refuge and named him Pema Lodoe Namgyal. For the sake of benefit all sentient beings, Khentang Rinpoche offer him a monk shawl and ordered him to keep it and to live as an ordinary person till the age of fourteen.
Margom Kyabgyon RinpocheTenzin Tsultrim RinpocheTulku Pema Lodoe Namgyal with his father Komang Rinpoche
Early age and education
At the age of four, his father Komang Rinpoche began to teach him the alphabet and read of Tibetan language. After that, he was trained to read the different texts of Buddhism by his father and his grandfather (H.E Karma Rinpoche).
When he was six, he received transmission of yum (all the teachings of Buddha) in Pu monastery from his father with all the sangha of the monastery. This was the first teaching he received. After that, he was trained in reading, writing, and memorizing the various ritual prayer in Tibetan language by his father, grandfather, Venerable Tengyal, and Venerable Tsulrab in different monasteries like Komang, Pu, and Yangtser monastery.
In 2006, he went away from his family and village for the first time. He was enrolled in Namdo school at the Kindergarten level and stayed at Dhechen Lhadang (where his previous reincarnation Tenzin Tsultrim Rinpoche spent his full life). There he learned various subjects like mathematics, science, English, social studies, general knowledge, Nepali, etc. He used to be an excellent student there with great results in examinations all the time. In 2008, he was enrolled in Komang school (which was established that year) in class 3 of his primary level. He studied there excellently.
Dharma education in India
In Namdroling Monastery
After finishing his primary level education at Komang school, in 2012, under the advice and guidance of his father and grandfather, he went to Namdoling monastery for his further education.
There he received many teachings of Sutras like Tibetan grammar, dhustaklho from different lopons and Khenpos of that monastery under the guidance of Lopon Karma Tenzin (who is his uncle and personal teacher). On the vacation of that year, he received various transmissions, empowerment, and teaching from different great Rinpoches like Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche, Karma kuchen Rinpoche, Yangthang Rinpoche, Tulku Thupsang Rinpoche, etc.
With his uncle and personal tutor Lopon Karma Tenzin
In 2016, under the guidance of the Komang Rinpoche and Lopon Karma Tenzin, he went to Ladakh and joined the Central Institute of Buddhist Studies (CIBS). While there, he learned Sanskrit language, English language, Hindi language, and Buddhist texts. At the same time, he received teaching of Abhisamayalankara, Madyamikavatara, Pramanavartika, Dhonnamnyas, Pargya, Mula, and Abidharma Kosha from his personal teacher Lopon Karma Tenzin. He also participated in the essay writing competition among all the students of higher and lower and in his same class he was able to get the first position in that essay competition.
During the winter he came to Kathmandu and received transmissions and empowerment of the collected writings of Mipham Rinpoche, collected writings of Jigme Lingpa, collected writing of Paltrul Rinpoche, collected writing of Rongzom Maha Pandita, and another teaching from Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche. He also received various transmissions and empowerment from many dharma gurus like H.H Taklung Tsetul Rinpoche, H.H Dudjom Sangye Pema Shepa, Dho Drupchen Rinpoche, Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche, Khenpo Sangpo Rinpoche, Margom Rinpoche, Jigmey Trogyal Rinpoche and so on.
With H.H. Dudjom Yangsi RinpocheWith Khanyam Lama Karma Tashi disciple of past Tenzin Tsultrim
In 2018, he joined the Degree of arts in Kathmandu to further his academic studies. In 2019, when the covid was spread in every corner of the world, he went to Dolpo, his birthplace. There he did retreat and finished all his preliminary practices under the guidance of Komang Rinpoche.
At the present time, he continues to receive teachings from his personal teacher Lopon Karma Tenzin-La and practices dharma courses under the guidance of his father Komang Rinpoche.
At the beginning of 2013, I (Arantza) went to Nepal on a trekking holiday but also with the wish of finding a local project that I could help somehow.
One day I was walking around Boudhanath stupa in Kathmandu and met a man called Tashi from Bhutan. He told me about a village called Komang in Upper Dolpo where children couldn’t continue studying after finishing primary school. He explained that a Tibetan lama was trying to find funds to start a project in Kathmandu where the children of his village could go to a Secondary school.
I was very curious about the project and one day decided to go and meet Tashi and that Tibetan lama. The Lama explained in detail about the many problems the children of his village were facing to continue their education after primary school. That was the day I met Dolpo Komang Rinpoche for the first time!
The founders of the HKH project at the sacred Boudhanath Stupa
From the very beginning, I knew I could completely trust Rinpoche so I told him that I would try my best to find the funds in Spain to start that project somehow.
I came back to Spain and immediately began a fund-raising campaign with the help of my family, friends, and the company where I was working at that time. Thanks to their generosity I collected enough funds to start the project. I want to thank especially the Spanish NGO CIDEN for trusting me and this project right from the start.
This way, in December of 2013, Rinpoche’s vision of creating the Himalayan Komang Home to provide secondary-level education to Komang children finally became a reality with the first eight students arriving in Kathmandu.
Also during these months, I met Anton. From the beginning, he was very interested in helping us and I was very happy to share this amazing project with him. Since then, we have been together working and helping Komang people in whatever way we could. We got fully involved with the Himalayan Komang Home but also collaborated with different projects in Komang aimed to improve the living conditions of the villagers. Soon after, we decided to leave our life in Spain and try to do something meaningful with our lives and so we moved to India and Nepal to be closer to them.
Arantza in Komang Village year 2014
“Since I decided to live between India and Nepal, my mind has expanded more and more because of the interaction with other cultures who have different ways of seeing and appreciating life. The simplicity and the joy they have in spite of the material difficulties still continue to amaze me. It is an ongoing personal learning for me to see that is possible to be happy with very little”
Anton with Komang School children in 2014
"Because of my humanistic background, I felt a constant concern for the improvement of the human being in general. From a very young age, I always wanted to live in Asia and delve deeper into what compassion and love mean. When I saw the opportunity in 2013, I considered a radical change of life and left Europe. In Asia, I find a way of being more in line with my view and pace of life. Being able to help people directly is what really moves my heart"
Our Dear Friends
The Himalayan Komang Home (HKH) started thanks to the Spanish NGO CIDEN. For many years CIDEN has provided funds for doing different projects in Komang village like the water project, old-people home, retreat center, handicraft project, and so on.
Main HKH Supporters
Nowadays the main supporters of HKH are the many generous donors from the Spanish NGO Tumaini and the German NGO Blütenherzen Kinderhilfe e.V. Most of the donations for supporting the HKH project come from these two NGOs. Furthermore, Tumaini runs a well-organized volunteering program that is helping us in many ways with the project.
The Taiwanese disciples of Komang Rinpoche; Mr. Ye Family, Mr. Lizhongling Family, Ching Wei Sifu (lama from Taiwan), and many others. All of them are very kindly supporting the HKH project in different ways.
Komang Primary School
The main supporter of Komang Primary school is Tripod of Koma from Sweden. Every year personal donors like Jerry, Hildegard, Peter Werth III from Himalayan Currents, and Vanni, help the Komang school. The German NGO Freunde Nepals e.V and the Altitude project NGO also support our Primary school in different ways too.
With the help of all of them, we buy stationery, school uniforms, sports games, shoes, and medicines. They maintain the infrastructure of the school, toilets, the salary of teachers, the boundaries of the school, etc. Thanks to their help have been possible to buy and distribute underwear for all the women in Komang. All this help is coming from their heart.
In 2021, with the help of Vanni and many disciples of Komang Rinpoche, we were able to put wood on all the floors of each class of the Primary school. This was something very necessary because with the cement floor, it gets very very cold inside the school.
Our Deepest Gratitude
We, the villagers of Komang, are very grateful to all of them for their kind support. We couldn’t differentiate between them because they all mean a lot to us.
We want you to know just how grateful we are for everything you have done
Like drops of water can create an ocean, with your help, we are able to do many good things to benefit many others
We are thankful and always connected to each other
We hope and pray that our connection lasts a long time
Thank you so much from our hearts!
Dolpo Komang Tulku Association
On the 14th of January 2014, Dolpo Komang Tulku Association was created as Nepali NGO with the register number: 366/070/71.
Dolpo Komang Tulku Association consists of 12 members (president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and committee members) that belong to Komang village.
We created Dolpo Komang Tulku Association because when we started the “Himalayan Komang Home” project in Kathmandu with the support of a Spanish NGO, is mandatory to have a local counterpart in the country where solidarity projects are going to be developed.
Nowadays Komang primary school, Himalayan Komang Home in Kathmandu, and all the future projects that can be developed for the improvement of Komang community are running under “Dolpo Komang Tulku Association”. Komang Rinpoche is the president of this association.
Dolpo Komang Tulku Association board members meetingDolpo Komang Tulku Association board members meeting
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