Thank you...
Please support us
Every little helps...

The families of Komang village cannot afford to give proper education to their children. However, in 2013 because of your generosity, for the first time, a generation of Komang children had the opportunity to study in a good secondary school in the capital while maintaining their own culture and language.
These projects are making a huge difference in the life of the boys and girls and also bringing great hope and benefit to our village. We are deeply grateful to our donors and always keep you in our prayers every day of our life.
Education is the key to our survival!
Thank you, Tuk-che-na, Muchas gracias, Danke, Merci, xie xie, grazie, obrigado, dhanyabaad!

The families of Komang village cannot afford to give proper education to their children. However, in 2013 because of your generosity, for the first time, a generation of Komang children had the opportunity to study in a good secondary school in the capital while maintaining their own culture and language.
These projects are making a huge difference in the life of the boys and girls and also bringing great hope and benefit to our village. We are deeply grateful to our donors and always keep you in our prayers every day of our life.
Education is the key to our survival!
Thank you, Tuk-che-na, Muchas gracias, Danke, Merci, xie xie, grazie, obrigado, dhanyabaad!
Please Read This
Because of the limitations of the banking system in Nepal, your donation will be processed through our sister NGO “Asociacion Viajes Tumaini” a Spanish Non-for-profit organization registered No. 603153, AECID No. 3266 and CIF (Tax ID) No. G86796158.
You can also donate directly from your bank via SWIFT / IBAN to our accounts below
IBAN ES78 0081 5735 4100 0170 4976 (Banco Sabadell)
SWIFT BSABESBB (please indicate “Proyecto Dolpo” in the description)
C/ Antonio Calvo Santos, 35
28224 (zip code)
Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid) Spain
(Spanish account)
Account number: 0401017500288
(Nepali account)